10/11/07 At Sea, Acapulco to Zihuantanejo 2
“I just threw banana bread into the middle of the Pacific Ocean.”
First of all, I’m starting to notice crazy things like how it’s been a month since I was in Chicago having dinner with Erik Kaiko, doing some music learning on my persona keyboard (which I miss and love) and having late-night conversations with Tony about Yappers. I can’t believe it’s already been a month.
That said, today was Acapulco 2. Not nearly as Nirvanic as Acapulco 1 but still an amazing day/night. The night before I left the crew bar when it closed at 2am and, feeling generally unproductive because I had done nothing but laundry and sleep that day, I went to the theatre and practiced on the piano there until 4am.
Sidenote: You have no idea what it is like having two or three grand pianos completely at your disposal 75% of the time you’d want them available. So far every time I’ve gone back to practice the piano has been free cause there are only like three other pianists on board. And MAN. It’s a great fucking Yamaha grand piano in a back room all to myself where I can sing and play and rock out without any cameras or worries. It is ridiculous.
Okay. So Acapulco. I found a bowling alley that charges 2 bucks for a lane and 1 buck for shoe rentals. Holy crap. I’m sooooo there next week with like 5 or 6 other guys. Rob and Rachel are already down. I checked out some malls, bought some shirts and some nail lacquer (shut up…it’s for my guitar nails…), then went to the same beach bar I was at last time. It POURED while we were there for dinner and we huddled under the straw thatch roof of the bar and watched actual lightening bolts hit all across Acapulco one every half minute or so for an hour. It was as engrossing as a movie. More engrossing perhaps. Lots of dancing and merrymaking ensued.
I came back to the ship and then went to the crew party in the crew bar. That was awesome cause of free beers. I spoke with Kathryn, another East Coaster for a great while. She’s one of those few people that you can tell is really listening to everything you say and reacting to it as it comes her way and she’s really awesome. She’s also 26 so oh well.
Crew party ended, I went up to the crew hot tubs (cause I CAN) and lounged in a hot tub by myself for 20 minutes or so. Sufficiently relaxed, I gathered up my belongings (minus my name tag which I lost and will have to find tomorrow) and went back to my room. Called for room service but they didn’t pick up so I went down to Blue Lagoon, the diner on board, and got myself a hot dog and some potato skins (FOR FREE). While I was eating I talked to Judy, a nice Filipino girl who works there, and generally just made a good connection with one of the 2am shift girls so I can keep eating there (I’m allowed to eat there but sometimes the crew doesn’t understand that because they know I’m crew and I’m the only crew allowed to eat there so they assume I’m not allowed and make it a hassle. But as long as I talk and make friends I’ll be fine).
On the way out they had some banana bread lying out so I grabbed two pieces. I ate most of it but I walked home via the outside and I was so overcome with how awesome my life is that I just took a chunk of banana bread and hurled it into the middle of the Pacific. I cheered at myself and my life as the banana bread faded off instantly into the black past. Woooooo.
The best part is the lead dancer/dance captain, Kirsten, when I told her this was the best time of my life, she literally just laughed at me and was like “..I mean, this is good, but it’s NOT going to be the best time of your life.”
…I can’t wait..
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I would like to hear about the dogs or other animals = fish? You mayhap have encountered. I like to imagine you playing the grand piano. I am glad to hear that you do your laundry. Your parents have told me that they are totally going to see Baby Turtles at the rescue park. I think I would like to try and wrestle them. The turtles I mean. I think that Budgie would be jealous though. Can I come with the parents? I asked but they just laughed. Love and Lick Baggins
Yes yes grand piano, glorious. Remember my baby grand that I had in the Waban house? That has lived in the lobby of Mass General Hospital for 7 years. I hope someday it will be mine.
Yeah, did you read my LJ comment that agrees with what that girl said: There will be even BETTER times of life than this. Not that I know.
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